Do you have a strong intuition?
Do you pick up on how other people are feeling without them telling you?
Can you easily anticipate what someone else needs and do you give others more attention than you do yourself?
Are you easily overwhelmed by crowded spaces, loud sounds, strong smells or bright lights?
These are just a few of the traits that make being an empath feel like both a blessing and a curse.
As an empath or “highly sensitive” person in this world, your natural intuitive heart must be nurtured and protected.
One of my biggest passions is to help empaths and highly sensitive individuals understand their true nature which is why I created The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Empaths.
Your sensitive heart, desire to help, and your natural energy which makes complete strangers share their life story with you can feel overwhelming at times. Your unique positive charge naturally draws people to you like a magnet.
Understanding your sensitive nature and how to take care of your heart is essential. When you do, you feel empowered and able to shine your bright light rather than feeling drained, exhausted, and unable to think.
The truth is, you alone are responsible for your own energy. Chances are you just haven’t learned the tools and strategies to protect, nurture, and care deeply for yourself while continuing to be a light in this world. The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Empaths will become your “go-to” resource.
This easy to follow, eye-opening resource will help you learn to:
- Understand how your brain is wired for greater sensitivity and intuition
- Discover the key to feeling less drained and more energized
- Learn why you, an empath, are here now and how to use your gifts
- Develop a shielding practice to protect yourself
- Transform empathy into your Superpower
- Hold onto your boundaries
- Experience an energy shifting strategy that can benefit yourself and others.
The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Empaths was designed to help you discover your depth and use the wisdom within you to carve your own satisfying, fulfilling path.
And best of all, you can access this wealth of knowledge from your home, your office, the car, on vacation or anytime you need to reset.
Looking for an Intuitive Guide to help you strengthen your intuitive gifts and support you to be strong and empowered? I’m here to help.
Join hundreds of women including myself who have stopped feeling overwhelmed and drained and are living their lives with greater self-love and self-confidence.
Our free community on Facebook, “Living Life Soulfully” is waiting for you to share your soulful self and feel validated and supported by other like-hearted, intuitive women. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE GROUP!
Are you ready to feel strong and empowered?
Grab your free The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Empaths and you’ll find yourself making new revelations and discovering helpful ways to soothe your sensitive soul. People and situations that used to leave you feeling overwhelmed and powerless will be replaced with a more calm and confidence YOU!
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We are meant to heal one another.
That’s why we came here together.
– Karen Cowperthwaite